Last Updated: 03/13/2019
Reports / Reports usage
The Reports
To help you monitor your Med-Stop information and your company status our system offers a wide range of reports, accessible via the Reports button from the Main Menu. You can choose reports from different categories. You can also customize your reports to exactly the information you need, and subtotal and limit your data to get a concise picture of what's happening in your company.
Report Categories
You can select the specific category directly from the Main Menu or from the Category list on the Reports screen located in the top left area of the page. Some reports can be classified in more then one category.
Selecting the Report
The report list presents the reports in selected category. Every report is identified by it's title and short description of the data contained in the report. To select the report click on the report title bar. This action will highlight selected report and open the customization box for the selected report.
Report Customization
You can filter the report data to get exactly waht you need. Every report has it's own list of filters and params that describe the report information. For the most of the reports the customization contains some Start and End dates that narrows the selected data to the specified period of time.
Report details level
Most of the reports can be generated with two details level:
Show All Details
this option will generate the report with all the detail rows visible.
Hide Details
select this option to get totals for groups of records
Some reports have the details level selection in the customization box. Ther is also a details level selector on the top of the Reports window. Selecting the level from the top report actions bar will force the report to be generated with this details level.
Viewing and exporting the Reports
The report can be generated in the following formats:
The default format for Med-Stop reports and forms - Adobe Acrobat PDF file. To view, print the reports in this format you have to have the PDF viewer software installed on your computer.
The report data can be exported to the Excel format for futher processing. Some reports are specially formated for Excel export. to view, edit, print the Excel exported documents you need to have some software working with Excel files installed on your computer.
Sending the report by fax or e-mail
The report can be send directly to the fax number or internet e-mail address if your Med-Stop level and security setup allows this action.
Generating the Report
To generate the report press the Process button located in the top left part of the Reports screen. This action will open a new browser window and the report will be generated. To reset the report selection and customization to default you can press the Reset button.