Last Updated: 03/13/2019

Trainings / Setup Company Pre-Defined Trainings

Company Training Policy Setup

To setup your company Training rules select the company sub menu from the main menu and then Training Setup option.

This will give you the list of company training settings. By default Med-Stop has some trainings pre-defined. You can always get back to the default setup by clicking the Restore Default button in the top left part of the list.

New Training definition

If you want to create a new training definition press the New Training Setup button located on the left side of the screen. This will open the Training Setup.

In the first step select the training category, and thens type the training title. Select from the list if the training is mandatory or not. This option determines if the employee compliance status will be affected by the training completion or not. If the training is set as mandatory and the employee does not complete it, the employee status is changed to out of compliance.

If you set the Mandatory field to YES In the next step you can determine for exactly which employees the training is required by specifing the employee DOT regultation status, category and employment status.

You can also determine the Training default expiration time, by selecting the Expires in (months) number.

Next you can provide some additional training descriptions.

Finish the to create the Training Setup definition.

Do you need more information?

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