Last Updated: 03/13/2019
Random Selection Service / DOT Regulated Random Testing
Random Drug and Alcohol testing is mandatory for all Commercial Motor Vehicle Drivers. Section 382.305 of the Federal Motor Carriers Safety Regulations states that "every employer shall comply with the requirements of this section, which includes submitting to random alcohol and controlled substance testing."
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s alcohol and drug testing rules apply to every person and to all employers of such persons who operate a commercial motor vehicle in commerce in any state, and is subject to: (1) the commercial driver’s license requirements of 49 CFR Part 383; (2) the Licencia Federal de Conductor (Mexico) requirements; or (3) the commercial driver’s license requirements of the Canadian National Safety Code.
Med-Stop Random Service complies with the DOT rules, regulations and guidelines.
Owner-Operator, one Employee Employers DOT Random Selection
A DOT regulated employer who employs only himself/herself as a driver, must implement an alcohol and controlled substances testing program that includes more persons than himself/herself as covered employees in the random testing pool. Thus an owner-operator essentially must join a consortium.
At present time the Med-Stop Random Selection Service does not provide the consortium model of selection.
Your company can activate the Med-Stop Random Service but as long as the average number of pool members is below 2 the random selections are not generated and the pools are not active. When the average pool member's number is 2 or more the random selections are created and you can use the Med-Stop Random Service to meet the DOT random alcohol and drug testing requirements.
DOT Regulations: 49 C.F.R. § 382.103 Applicability.
b) An employer who employs himself/herself as a driver must comply with both the requirements in this part that apply to employers and the requirements in this part that apply to drivers. An employer who employs only himself/herself as a driver shall implement a random alcohol and controlled substances testing program of two or more covered employees in the random testing selection pool.