Last Updated: 03/13/2019
Test Requests / Test Request definition
Employee Test Request
The Test Request in the Med-Stop system has two roles:
- to schedule the employee test in a specific date, time, and location.
- for DOT regulated companies to fulfill the regulations - Part 382: Controlled Substances and Alcohol Use and Testing - Requirement for notice.
When creating a Test Request you can specify exactly which location the test has to be performed in and validate the location schedule for testing availability. Med-Stop allows you to fax the request information to the selected testing site, to minimize your employees time wasting.
The Test Request record stored in Med-Stop system allows you to control the employee testing status and keep records of the information. You will be notified just after the test is completed in one of the Med-Stop testing locations, the request status is updated to reflect a performed test. You can the test information directly from the Test Request details window, to link the request with the final test result.